Premium subscription provides:

a full access to AutoAnalysesExcel files and charts and specific studies.

a)   AutoAnalyses
Full access.

AutoAnalyses are short but very informative and reliable analyses relating to the world automotive market (production and registrations).
They include tables and charts. 

Ten (10) analyses are constructed every two weeks and sent in pdf format by e-mail to the Premium subscription.
300 analyses are published each year.

Premium subscribers have access to the complete database of these analyses (more than 2 000) throuhg their access to the Inovev Platform.
AutoAnayses can be sorted and found, and downladables under the form of ppt files.

b) Excel files and charts
Possibility to view and downloads numerous Excel files and charts, in particular but not only:

Excel files

- by makes: prpduction and registrations in the world.
One Excel file for production and one Excel file for registrations.
By year and month. Updated monthly.
- by models: prpduction and registrations in the world.
Six (6) detailed Excel files by plant and models.Forecast.
Forecast for Europe (over the next 5 years).
Yearly and monthly.


- monthly executive reports - production and registrations.
- Production and registration charts - monthly

 c) Specific studies
Examples of studies:

Impact of Covid19 on the automotive market
Electrified vehicles.
High Duty vehicles.
Iran market.

Access is provided when the payment is received, i.e. quasi-immadiately when using a bank card for payment.

- Access is provided for 1 person, for his/her sole use, for the period time relating to the ordered product.
A person is identified by his/her username, his/her password and his/her e-mail (the one with wich he/she registers on the site) 
The person commits himself/herself not to transfer his/her IDs to any other person.
The person who benefits of the access is by defaut the person who is registered on the site when payment is activated. 
Please contact Inovev in case you want to modify the user. 

Conferences of previous years: year 2017 -  To get back to current year 2018, click here


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