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Inovev publishes around 300 market analyses 
per year
Two analyses are provided free of charge twice a month.
Here below you can view the titles, extracts and thumbnails relating to the 2 current analyses.
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(i.e. around 50 free analyses per year as they are renewed twice a month).
  • Light vehicle production in Europe to increase only slightly in 2025
    28 January 2025
    The global production volume of light vehicles (PC+LUV) will probably decline by 1.7% in 2024, compared to 2023, given the results recorded over 11 months. This is far from the 9% increase achieved in 2023 compared to 2022, with a volume of 91.5 million PC+LUV produced. The volume produced globally in 2024 will therefore be close to 90 million units. Given the different scenarios concerning the major automobile producing countries, the volume produced globally in 2025 could increase by 1% and reach 91.0 million.
    The European production volume (producing countries in the EU + UK) will fall slightly by 1.4% in 2024, compared to 2023, to 14.16 million passenger vehicles + light utility vehicles against 14.36 million in 2023, 13 million in 2022, 13.1 million in 2021 and 13.4 million in 2020. In 2025, the European production volume could increase slightly thanks to the launch and ramp-up of battery electric B-segment vehicles (including Renault and Stellantis), less expensive than those in the higher segment marketed until now, but BEVs in the higher segment could face a relative decline at the same time. In addition, the BYD factory in Hungary will not start production until the end of 2025. Inovev is therefore counting on a slight growth of 1.6% in European production in 2025, representing a volume of 14.39 million light vehicles, a figure still far from those recorded before 2020: 18.4 million in 2017, 18 million in 2018 and 17.7 million in 2019.
    In 2024, European automobile production accounted for only 16% of global automobile production, compared to 19% in 2019, 22% in 2010 and 27% in 2005. It therefore counts less and less in global automobile production.
    Please sign-up/sign-in on the left to get access to the complete analysis.
  • Global light vehicle production expected to grow very slowly in 2025
    17 January 2025
    According to the OECD, global GDP growth is expected to be 3.3% in 2025 compared to 3.2% in 2024. In OECD countries, this growth is expected to be more modest, around 1.9% in 2025. In other countries, a slight decline in overall growth is expected, except in emerging Asia (India and Southeast Asian countries). In this context, global automobile production in 2025 is expected to show very low growth, even if it is not solely dependent on GDP growth.
    Global production should be supported by China, which saw its market grow by 5.2% (1.4 million passenger vehicles) and its automobile production by 5.5% (1.5 million passenger vehicles) last year, and which should see its market and production grow by 2.5% to 5% in 2025, (+1 million passenger vehicles in volume), thanks, in addition to its domestic market, to European markets (despite the introduction of additional taxes in the EU) and to ASEAN countries.
    The US market is cyclical and last year's results are close to the highest figures recorded by this market (16 million passenger vehicles + pick-ups). Inovev is therefore counting on a stable or slightly declining US market, even if the production volume should increase slightly. Despite the proactive policy of encouraging production in North America, this should not have massive effects in 2025.
    The European market should be stable compared to 2024. There are no signs of a vigorous recovery of this market, nor of a recovery in its production. The Chinese BYD will start production in Europe in the second half of 2025 and Volkswagen's more affordable small electric models will not arrive before 2026. The ramp-up of small battery electric models in France (R5, R4) will not alone support European production as a whole.
    Please sign-up/sign-in on the left to get access to the complete analysis.

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Circle Grey Data Tables & Charts
Excel-icon   Market Data Tables

Inovev has created and updates continuously a comprehensive database related to quantities of vehicles produced and sold in the world.
Upon registration you can download free of charge two extracts updated each month.
Extract #1
 Main features
 - Content: Production data of passenger cars and utility vehicles detailed by country and carmakers
 - Geographical scope: Worldwide
 - Time coverage: Past (yearly) and current year (monthly)
 - Updates: Monthly
Click on the image to download an Excel sample file
 Extract #2
 Main features
 - Content: Registrations data of passenger cars and light utility vehicles detailed by country and carmakers
 - Geographical scope: Europe
 - Time coverage: Current year (monthly)
 - Updates: Monthly
Click on the image to download an Excel sample file
Actions-office-chart-line-stacked-icon   Market Charts

Market charts production Austria
Market charts production France
Market charts production Argentina
Market charts production Canada
Market charts production South Korea
Market charts production Slovenia
Market charts production Ukraine
Market charts production Czech
Market charts production Brazil
Market charts production Romania

Charts are accessible at "Classic" and "Premium" levels.
Access to "Classic" level is free upon registration

reports-icon   Dashboards


Production-MonthlyDashbord-12 Page 1

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