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or sign-up (if you are new to Inovev - Welcome),

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Please find here below your personal coupon which will make benefit from your free badge:


In order to finalize your registration, 
please copy this coupon in your cliptray and use it as described below after clicking on the following link:

Finalisation of your registration







Thank you for your registration.

Please find here below your personal coupon which 
will make benefit from your registration to any JEC conference
with 20% discount:


In order to finalize your registration, 
please copy this coupon in your cliptray and use it as described below after clicking on the following link:

Finalisation of your registration


Thank you for your registration.

Please find here below your personal coupon which 
will make benefit from your registration to the "Automotive Composites Day"
with 50% discount (140 Euros instead of 280 Euros):


In order to finalize your registration, 
please copy this coupon in your cliptray and use it as described below after clicking on the following link:

Finalisation of your registration

Overview Conferences
Composites guided tour


A guided "Automotive Composites Tour" is organised from 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm
Only attendants to the morning conferences may register.
Number of participants to guided tour is limited to 25, on the basis of "first-ordered-first served".

Please clik here to register.

Booths very involved in the future of the "Automotive Composites" will be visited.

A pre-defined circuit is established with a stop at selected booths.
At each stop a presentation of noticeable innovations will be presented by the company in charge of the booth. 

The tour is guided by Inovev.



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