Your "innovation need" has been created.
However this "innovation need" is not finalised yet (you have chosen to submit it as an "in-process" "innovation need"),
and will not be published yet.

To finalise this 
"innovation need" so that it can be published, click here.
Edit  your "innovation need", modify it if needed and then click onto the button "to send".

To get back to the previous page, click here.



Your "innovation need" is now finalised. 


Clik here to go to the list of your finalised "innovation needs"

Click here to input an innovation need.

Click here to respond to an innovation need.

Click here to input an innovation proposal not related to an innovation need.

Click here to go to the list of your finalised companies.

Your company is now finalised. 

You can use it to input an innovation need (or an innovation proposal).

Click here to get back to the "innovation need input form" and select your added company in the "Select a company" box

Your company is now finalised. 

You can use it to input an innovation.
Click on the link here below to get back to the "innovation input form".
Once on this "innovation input form", click on the button "Make available the added company" and continue the process.

To get back to the "innovation input form", click here.

Your company is now finalised. 

You can use it to input an innovation need or an innovation proposal.

Click here to go to the list of your finalised companies.

Click here to input an innovation need.

Click here to respond to an innovation need.

Click here to input an innovation proposal not related to an innovation need.

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