Emissions: a comprehensive Inovev study for the automotive industry to understand the real vehicle emissions and plan its actions accordingly.
For more information on this study click here.

Emissions are created all over the life cycle of the vehicle.These emissions are mainly gases and particulates.
Emissions are created during:
- The manufacture of the car:
- The extraction and manufacture of the energy source input into the vehicle during its use:
* Gasoline/diesel for thermal engines
* Electricity for electric engines
* H2 for fuel cells
- The use of the car
* For vehicles equipped of a thermal engine, at the tailpipe
* Inside the car : volatile components perspiring from the materials used  inside the car
  (VOC: Volatile Organic Component)
* Outside the car: particulates from braking and tire wear
In this report Inovev is focusing on the impact vehicle emissions, of both thermal and electrified vehicles.
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