Mass Analysis: a comprehensive Inovev study for the automotive industry to understand the change of masses of vehicles produced and sold in Europe and plan its actions accordingly.
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Decrease mass of vehicles is very important for the society:
The lighter the cars, the less CO2 and the less pollutants are emitted.
An increase of CO2 is linked to climate changes and pollutants are harmful to the health of living beings.
On the side of offer the situation is less clear:
- Carmakers have interest to decrease the weight of the car:
* to decrease the pollutants (but other ways to do that are possible)
* to dimension smaller components and therefore decrease costs.
- Concerning CO2, 
* the regulation is based on the weight of the car.
# The lighter the car, the less CO2 the carmaker has to reach.
# This regulation is therefore quasi neutral regarding the targeted weight. (But it favours Battery Electric Cars which are considered as zero-emission cars see Inovev reports relating to the market of electrified cars and to emissions).
* In the future regulations may appear adding rules relating to weight in addition to rules relating to C02? For instance in France a French law voted in October 2020 will levy a tax on more-than-1800 kg vehicles from first January of 2022.
This report analyses the mass of vehicles produced and sold on the European market, based on a comprehensive database built and updated continuously by Inovev since 1995.
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