Plastics for  xEVs: a comprehensive Inovev study for the automotive industry to understand the change in automotive plastics induced by the development of xEVs (Electrified vehicles) and plan its actions accordingly.
For more information on this study click here.

The present report analyses the plastics use in the future European automobile.
The changes in quantities and nature of materials which will be used in the automotive construction over the next decade will be the result of evolutions in terms of vehicle market evolution, emission regulations and implementation of new technologies (electrification, improvements in thermal engines, ADAS, increase of well-being inside the interior compartment…).
These changes will lead carmakers to change the design/engineering of vehicles. New lay-out and platforms will be developed, parts will disappear, parts will appear, parts will be significantly modified.
It is threats. But it is also big opportunities for material makers to develop new solutions and increase significantly their markets.
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