The xEVs market: a comprehensive Inovev study to understand the development of xEVs (Elecrified vehicles) and plan its actions accordingly.
For more information on this study click here.

Depending on the analysts, the market of electrified vehicles in Europe 
is forecast to reach from 6% to 44% of the total market (all motorisations inclusive).

It is very important for players of the automotive industry to understand the forces at the basis of development and anticipate the future markets at the right level.
Inovev has carried our a very deep analysis, weighing the factors in favor of electrification development and the factors hampering the growth.
This study is presented in details in the Inovev xEVs report. Please find here below the forecast of the different analysts, including Inovev.
In Europe, xEVs market will grow for sure. But the uncertainties remain regarding the level which will be reached in the next 10 years.
Here below the Inovev forecast from now on until 2030, according to the e-pragmatic scenario of Inovev (medium scenario).
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