Logistic of finished vehicles
Logistics is the backbone of the automotive industry   The future of the automotive industry and
its impact on the logistics of finished vehicles
All along the supply chain, from raw materials to parts and finished vehicles, flows have to be managed.
A maximum efficiency needs the knowledge of the present situation and the anticipation of future.
Watch here on the right side the recent presentation of Inovev relating to the automotive industry and its impact on the logistics during HAROPA webinar.
And, if you are a Premium customer or member of an Inovev's partner, downlad the powerpoint presentation and the video.
If you want to go further, you may acquire:
- the European flow Excel file of finished vehicles (now available after 20 years of exclusivity for a renown logistician).
- the European dimensions file.
- and all the Excel files (production, registrations).
>> Video presentation by Jamel Taganza ( VP & Senior Expert of INOVEV )
Download the video: 

>> PDF presentation to download
  Inovev flow  
Download the presentation (Premium and Partners only): 

Want to watch the full replay of all presentations of HAROPA webinar: click here (free access)
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