Automotive Electrification Platform : in English only

Note: soon on-line here: introducing conference of EV Battery Recycling and Reuse 2021 -  Frankfurt 14-15/9/2021

Six comprehensive Inovev studies to understand the electrification process and anticipate the corresponding markets.
For more information on a specific product, please click on the corresponding thumbnail.
To get an overview of all the studies click here.
 xEVs Market
 Batteries Tech. & Market
 Electrification Tech.
 Plastic Materials for xEVs
 Mass Analysis
For more information on a specific product, please click on the corresponding thumbnail.
To get an overview of all the studies click here.

The electrified vehicles are developing at a very high pace.
Depending on the analysts, the market of electrified vehicles in Europe 
is forecast to reach from 6% to 44% of the total market (all motorisations inclusive) in 2030.
It is very important for players of the automotive industry to understand the forces at the basis of development and anticipate the future accordingly.

Inovev has carried out a very deep analysis, weighing the factors in favour of electrification development and the factors hampering the growth.
Three Inovev studies provide a good comprehension of the future: "the xEVs study", the"Mass study"and the"Emissions study".
For the automotive supply chain , the number of cars which will be produced are a key factor.
But technologies which will be used arealso very important for it  to understand in order to position its products and develop the products of the future.
The design of an electrified vehicle is quite different from the thermal's one;

In BEVs (Battery Electric Vehicles),
the thermal motor and consequently the inlet and the exhaust system disappear.
The thermal engine is replaced by an electric motor, much simpler.
The specifications of parts, mainly located underhood but not only, may be drastically modified: new map of temperatutre underhood, EMI (ElectroMagnetic Interference) and RFI (Rado Frequency Interference), fire resistance, high voltage.
The cooling/heating circuit is completely modified to be adapted to the lack of the heat of the thermal engine and the need of cooling the battery.
HEVs (Hybrid Electric Vehicles) and PHEVs (Plug-in Electric Vehicles)
are quite complex.
They have two engines, one thermal and one electric, working together very often in a sophisticated way.
It is important for automotive supplychain to understand all these new technologies.
These technologies are fully anlysed in the"Electrification study".
The battery
is an essential component of the car.

The car becomes more and more a battery on wheels.
But what is a battery? how is it constructed and designed?
What are the main types, present and to come?
What are its components, the materials used?
And what is its market (batteries, compnents, materials)
And finally where the batteries and its components will be produced.
All these questions are answered in the "Battery study".
The materials
used in electrified vehicles will differ from the ones used in thermal vehicles
Parts disappear, new parts appear and specifications may be modified.
In addition, as the weight of an electrified car is much higher than a thermal's one, carmakers are motivated to decrease the weight, which may lead to new uses of materials.
Inovev has analysed all these elements, starting with polyolefin materials
Results for "Polyolefin materials" are presented in the"Plastic Materials for xEVs study".

Electrified vehicles (xEVs) can be defined as vehicles for which electricity is used to move them (and not only to start them).
They can be classified into two main families:
- the vehicles which are not plugged and whose the whole energy come from an exterior fuel. They are:
     ° the HEVs: Hybrid Electric Vehicles, equipped with a thermal engine and an electric motor, and whose input fuel comes from oil (diesel or gasoline).
     ° the FCVs: Fuel cell Vehicles equipped with a fuel stack , and whose input fuel is hydrogen
- The vehicles which are plugged. They are :
     ° the BEVs: Battery Electric Vehicles, equipped with an electric motor, and whose the whome energy comes from the plugging.
     ° the PHEVs: Plug-In Electric Vehicles. They are the same as HEVs, but the car can be plugged in.
The electric vehicle is not a novelty in itself. It appeared at the end of the 19th century (before 1900). Almost at the same time the hybrid vehicle was developed.
Around 1900, electric vehicles occupied 30% of the market (the automotive market, however, still very modest at that time).
In the 1930s, the progress made on the thermal vehicles and their offer at a much more attractive price than electric vehicles killed the electric vehicle. This practically no longer existed in 1935.
Since this period, several revivals of the electric vehicle have been attempted (especially in the 1980s (in the USA and in Europe) but without success.
There is currently (since 2010) a real take-off of the electric vehicle.
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