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Inovev每年发布 大约300个汽车市场分析报告。
  • BEV market share in Europe (30 countries) over 9 months 2024
    13 12月 2024
  • Should we create BEV quotas by country or by segment for 2035 in Europe?
    13 12月 2024
    At the current rate of BEV sales development in Europe, the European Commission's objective of registering 100% of BEVs on the European continent by 2035 seems unachievable. In addition to the creation of a new A/A+ segment with a combustion engine, should we create quotas by country or quotas by segment?
    Quotas by country: Given that out of the 27 countries of the European Union, less than half (12 countries) have a BEV market share (for new vehicles registered) of more than 12% in 2024, the others (15 countries), located in Eastern and Southern Europe, have a BEV market share of less than 8% and which does not exceed 3 or 4% in some countries such as Italy, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia or Bulgaria. The 100% BEV target in 2035 will be even more difficult to achieve for these 15 countries. Would it not be more realistic to create, for example, a 100% BEV quota in 2035 for the 12 countries where the BEV rate is currently above 12% and a 50% BEV quota in 2035 for the 15 countries where the BEV rate is currently below 8%?
    Quotas by segment: Given that the market segments of new cars sold in the European Union have different and very low electrification rates in the lower segments, would it not be more realistic to create, for example, specific electrification quotas for each segment in 2035, for example 100% for D and E segment cars, 65% for C-segment cars, 50% for B-segment cars and 25% for A-segment cars? These quotas would make it possible to meet a demand for cheaper vehicles (thermal and lower segment) and low CO2 emissions in 2035.
    These proposals for quotas by country or segment are examples and are intended to lead to discussions and debates on the subject. The proposed percentages must naturally be studied in more depth to be as realistic as possible.


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Extract #1
 Main features
 - Content: Production data of passenger cars and utility vehicles detailed by country and carmakers
 - Geographical scope: Worldwide
 - Time coverage: Past (yearly) and current year (monthly)
 - Updates: Monthly
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 Extract #2
 Main features
 - Content: Registrations data of passenger cars and light utility vehicles detailed by country and carmakers
 - Geographical scope: Europe
 - Time coverage: Current year (monthly)
 - Updates: Monthly
Click on the image to download an Excel sample file
Actions-office-chart-line-stacked-icon   市场数据 ---------------------------------------------------------  
Market charts production Finland
Market charts production Romania
Market charts production France
Market charts production Brazil
Market charts production Turkey
Market charts production Germany
Market charts production China
Market charts production USA
Market charts production Japan
Market charts production Portugal



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Production-MonthlyDashbord-12 Page 1


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