The Electrification technologies : a comprehensive Inovev study to understand the development of xEVs (Elecrified vehicles) technologies and plan its actions accordingly.
For more information on this study click here.
In the world, over the past two decades, electrified vehicles (XEVs) have grown significantly in numbers:
in parallel: BEVs (Battery Electric Vehicles, 100% electric), HEVs (Hybrid Vehicles, at least one thermal and one electric motor) and PHEVs (HEVs which can be plugged on an external socket).

All these vehicles have increased in quantities in the world (see right graph). All details of the market, conditions of its development, and forecast are available in the “Market Report”.
The technologies which are used are very diverse and each one has its disadvantages and advantages.
For the supply chain players it is very important to understand the electrification technologies in order to position themselves on the new markets.
Electrification will not impact only Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) but also thermal cars: 
- A wide range of technologies are developed to electrify vehicles, from micro-hybrid to battery electric vehicle,
  through full hybrid. 
- These different technologies involved different materials, components, batteries and motor types.
- An analysis of the current and future developed technologies is therefore necessary to understand how electrification
  will impact the automotive industry. 
The present report analyses the XEVs’, in terms of electrification technologies.

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