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Note: this platform is constructed according to OBIP standard.
  B2B Automotive Industry  
  Inovev supports global business development of its customers
by  promoting their innovations and providing data/analyses related to markets and technologies
Promotion of innovations
Data & Analyses
Innovations - Digital (I3P) Market data & Analysis
- Inovev Internet Innovation Platform.
On-line comprehensive database.

- I3P- GlobalComposites  
More than 500 innovative parts in composite materials
+ conferences + videos.

- I3P- France PFA Innovations 
French automotive innovations.
In partnership with PFA. In French only.
Inovev Market   
Data and analyses related to worldwide automotive markets.
 Production and registrations - past, present and future.
   ° Excel files: from overviews down to very detailed data.
   ° Powerpoint analyses (more than 3 000).

- PFA  Market 
Automotive market data for the French industry
In partnership with PFA.
Innovations - Events Technologies Data & Analysis 
- C CE (China Composites Expo)  
Promotion of automotive composites innovations
at China Composites Expo.
In partnership with China Composites Expo.
- Electrification 

- Composite materials  

- Electronics                  
Have a question? Contact us:
By email: info@inovev.com
By phone: +33 952 96 06 78
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